My Allergy
Free Lifestyle
Free Lifestyle
Too often, I feel like I focus on the downside of my allergies: Oh, I can’t have this. Oh, poor me, I can’t have that. But the other day, it struck me that there is an upside to my allergies. Yes, it’s true, every cloud really does have a silver lining and life is just about perception.
If I don’t mope about souffles and omelets, then my glass really does seem half full. Yes, I’m a realist, I know that I get rashes and very sick if I eat the things that my body can’t tolerate, but I do believe in optimism and that when life gives me lemons it’s best to make lemonade (or lemon cake!!).
While I wouldn’t choose to have food allergies, this is the hand I was dealt. Do you think that there is an upside to food allergies? Here the top ten reasons that I think my allergies are pretty great!
1) Without food allergies, I never would have become a cookbook author
2) I can’t eat a lot of processed foods, which makes my diet a lot healthier
3) I get lots more fiber than before I was diagnosed because I’m eating so many interesting grains and beans
4) I love vegetables now. I didn’t give them the time of day before my diagnosis.
5) I met all of you, and I love talking with you everyday on Facebook
6) I know a million different ways to cook a chick pea. And this is useful if there is nothing in the fridge but plenty of chickpeas in the cupboard the day before shopping day. I hardly knew what a chick pea was before I was diagnosed.
7) Food allergies have taught me to be more assertive because I have to look out for myself. I ask lots of questions now and would have been embarrassed to do so before it was life or death.
8) I save money because I don’t eat in restaurants as much
9) I found Nana’s cookies which are my favorites
10) They make me, well, me!